These landscape paintings are scenes that might be found in Northern Ontario. The landscape is similar to the North Shore of the St. Lawrence River in Quebec where I grew up, and so familiar to me having spent much time playing in the forest and climbing over the rocks that lined the shore of the river. My twenties were spent doing a lot of canoeing in the Muskoka region and our family has had many family vacations camping in the provincial parks. Rocks, water and trees feel like home to me! Many of these paintings reflect my interpretation of this part of God's beautiful creation.
All images are copyright protected and remain the sole property of the artist.
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All sold out! Consider a risk-free commission if you are looking for a landscape. Tap here for info on Commissions.
Shelter and Shade 2 - 30 x 24 in., acrylic on canvas SOLD!
Forest Sentries 1 & 2 - 30 in x 20 in, acrylic on canvas, SOLD and SOLD
Morning Glow - 30 in x 60 in, acrylic (SOLD)
Telling Secrets 30in x 60in acrylic on canvas (SOLD)
Higher Ground 30in x 30in acrylic on canvas (SOLD)
A Bit of Snow 30in x 40in acrylic on canvas (SOLD)
Whispy PInes 30in x 60in acrylic on canvas (SOLD)
Obstacles Are Just Part of the Journey 24 in x 48 in acrylic on canvas (SOLD)
Early Bird 36 in x 30 in acrylic on canvas (SOLD)
Your Day To Shine 36in x 24in acrylic on canvas (SOLD)
Press Pause 30 in x 60 in acrylic on canvas (SOLD)
Dancing in the Breeze - 20 in x 40 in, acrylic on canvas (SOLD) photo reference from Ashley Groenwold
Night Light 40 in x 36 in acrylic on canvas (SOLD)